They were first asked when they first tried marijuana and for what reason. The participants are two years apart however, waited until this past winter season to try it. Both replied that they were around people they trusted and were open to trying new things. “I was with friends I grew up with and trusted,” said Sam. They continue to use it because of the effect when they are high. It is an enjoyable intoxication that for Jared is better than drinking alcohol.
Drug addictions sometimes have a negative impact on academics and other life priorities, however Sam makes sure to not let it get in the way of his academics.
In regards to Proposition 19, both students were in favor of its passing. It would have a positive impact on the economy because of the amount of people who would purchase it. Jared said that he thought about 30% of the school population used marijuana, for nonmedical reasons. Sam agreed, adding his thoughts that majority of the school smoked. These students, along with students from other colleges, would probably be majority of the consumers.
After the results of the elections were released, radio stations discussed reasons as to why it did not pass. With knowledge of people already illegally using marijuana, passing the prop would only encourage people to keep smoking. “If the prop were to pass,” says Sam, “I feel like there would be more people using it because it would have been deemed legal.” Marijuana is already easy to obtain, as there are students willing to buy it and willing to deal it. Both Sam and Jared felt that the use of marijuana would not lessen nor increase because the prop has not passed, but could if the prop did pass.
I am not a marijuana user myself and do not think that passing the proposition would have been a good idea. Although it would have helped benefit the economy, the use of it does not seem worth it. Sam and Jared were able to provide a different perspective, making it seem worthless. Student use of marijuana is nothing new and neither is the idea that students are for the proposition. It is ironic because even though there is a high number of students who were for Proposition 19, there was not a high enough population to influence the votes.
Less and less college students each year choose to participate in political elections, even with something that may personally affect them. Perhaps this isn’t a statement on students who use marijuana but more so a reflection of what would happen if every college student voted. If not Proposition 19, which was such a popular topic, then why anything else?
This post also needs to be bylined, esp. since it uses the first person. I would also have liked to learn more about Sam and Jared and their viewpoints.